Wednesday 12 February 2014

Photoshoot Ideas

For our next assignment we were asked to recreate a well known photo/piece, in a modern day interpretation. So I researched into well known masterpieces and I noticed an artist who I have focused on in the past, Roy Lichtenstein.
Roy Lichtenstein created Pop Art pieces, such as;
'Thinking Of You'

'Oh Jeff..'
'Kiss V'

After looking through Roy lichtenstein's work, I could have the most creative ideas from 'Thinking Of You'.  With this I could use any model with blonde hair as it would be a key link to the photograph. 

The make up shall be what he used to create the outline, the colour and the tear. 

For the background, a possible idea is to use yellow painted cardboard and an animated style cloud. However, another idea is that I could photoshop the background yellow and have the cloud cropped in. 

I also had a class discussion about all of our possible outcomes and ideas about this unit. After my presentation, they all preferred the idea of when it comes to creating the image having two separate pictures then photo editing them together would have a better quality and finish. 

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